

You turn on a college basketball game and it turns out to be a women’s game. You pull out your phone and decide to place a bet on the game and make it more interesting for yourself, you place an 200 dollar bet on UMBC as they were the underdog and already up 10. About as fast as you places your bet they lost the lead , and eventually the game as you were now out 200 bucks. Angry you spike your remote on the ground as it snaps in half pink lightning shocks you as you blackout. When you wake up you find yourself sitting court side and look down to see your wearing the same uniform as the team you bet on, you hear someone yell heads up as a basketball is thrown at you hitting you in the crotch as your dick begins to shrink. Falling back in your chair you hit the ground and feel your ass and thighs thickened as your skin darkens to a beautiful light brown. You feel your head itch as blonde curly locks burst from your head as you feel a pair of boobs growing against your sports bra. The rest of your dick slipped away as you felt your now flat crotch, standing up your face began to hurt as your jawline became less noticeable as your nose narrowed, your eyes widened as they changed to brown as you began to lose control of yourself as your new feminine self room over. Tossing the ball back to your teammates you joined them on the court to practice after your tough loss.


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