

You turn on the football game and as you switch the channel you feel a electric shock from the remote coarse through you as you blackout. When you come to you hear distant cheering as you look around to see you are now in a locker room, and by the logo you can tell your in Denver. You get a massive headache as you start to think about the remote, you head towards the door but as you reach for it you notice your hands now have long painted nails you reach back from the door and stubble back falling into a pile of uniforms. You jump out of the pile and look down to see your now wearing a cheerleaders uniform, instead of tearing it off you hear a voice in your mind telling you to put on makeup. You start to apply lipstick that changes your face as the uniform hugs your body reshaping you into the perfect cheerleader with a pair of tits and a new vagina. You grab your Pom Poms and run out onto the field to join your teammates and cheer on your team.


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