Go checkout


You grab a few things and go checkout, some girl is ringing up your stuff as you wait for the total.

“Would you like to sign up for a family rewards plan today” she asks you.

“Yea sure” You didn’t hear her but you agree just to hurry things up.

“Ok just put your finger on the scanner right here and I can set up the plan.” She says as you place your finger into a scanner, you feel a shock on your finger as you back away and start to feel light as you black out.

“Hannah are you ok” you faintly hear as your vision comes back to you, you see the same cashier standing their as you start to regain feeling in your body. Your heart begins to race as you are rushed with new feelings from your sensitive body, as you look down and see you are now in a blue dress that shows off your new womanly curves perfectly. You see a wedding ring on your finger as you look at your manicured hands, you feel your hair in a ponytail as you turn to answer your “husband”.

“I’m fine, just felt a little light headed” you answer back from your new body.

“Just making sure babe” he says as he puts his hand on your waist and kisses you. Looking a few rows over you see the cashier from earlier smiling as your mind begins to slip, thoughts of motherhood and having a husband fill your head erasing your old life as you become Hannah.


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