

You look through the guide and see on the Olympics channel they have gymnastics. “How is this a sport let alone in the Olympics” you say to yourself as you turn it on to see what it actually involves. After 25 minutes of watching your judgment of it not being a sport still stands as you sit there watching them flip thinking why can’t I get paid to do something as easy that. Later that night as you drift off to sleep your wish from earlier is granted as the room around you transforms into a girls dorm. Still asleep you don’t notice as you boxers change to a pair of pink panties as you t shirt now loosely hangs off your body you start to sweat causing you to toss and turn as you begin to dream about a gymnastics meet. Slowly your legs shrink down before becoming stronger as you gain years of gymnastics experience, your ass thickens causing you to roll over to your chest as b cup boobs start to press against your bed. Now jolting awake you are filled with pleasure as you look around and see your new room. Hanging on the door you see a leotard as long brown hair starts to grow down to your mid back, letting out a loud moan you feel your voice changing as your dick slowly is pulled inside of you as you move your hands down to feel your new wet asset. Your now fully a woman as you blackout only to wake up hours later at the sound of your alarm. Feeling a weight on your chest and nothing between your legs confirmed that last night wasn’t a dream, and after getting texts about getting ready for your meet you get up and dress your new body in the leotard as you accept your new life.


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