Harry Potter


Scrolling through Twitter as you mindlessly watch Tv you see it’s the anniversary of the Harry Potter movies first premiere, so you decide to head into your basement and dust off one of your old DVDs and watch the movie since you can’t find it on anything. You head down into your basement and start to look through all the clutter for your DVD collection, you pick up a weird looking box as the bottom of it falls out spilling the contents of it. One of the things you noticed that fell out of the box was a wand, it looked like one from Harry Potter so you assumed it was one of your toys from when you were a kid as you swung it around acting like you were casting spells, as you pointed the wand forward you saw a pink ball of energy shoot from it and hit the wall bouncing back at you and hitting you. It sent you flying back as you hit the wall behind you and blacked out, when you come to you see nothing around you but feel yourself beginning to shrink, as bushy brown hair grew down covering your face as it began to change becoming rounded and more feminine. You began to touch you new soft face with your hands as your fingers cracked and buckled as your hands became small and dainty, the changes spread up your arms causing them to slim out as your shoulders cracks inward. Your clothes start to change as your socks grow longer becoming black tights as your shorts shrink becoming a black skirt as your top changes to a sweater and a white button down. Your chest began to swell as you gained a pair of boobs, your sides pushed inwards as your gained and hourglass figure while your manhood started to shrink as you started to feel your mind fading as memories of different spells and being at Hogwarts began to fill your head your IQ increased as you gained an obsession for studying and knowledge, as the last of your dick slipped away as you were now fully a woman. You regain your vision and stand up picking up your wand you start to walk to meet up with Harry and Ron as you are now Hermione Granger.


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