

You turn on a hockey game but your TV instantly freezes, slapping the remote you try and get it to come back in but to no avail. Your anger hit a breaking point and in your frustration you throw your remote at the TV, causing a huge crack in it as your remote is now sticking out of the Tv. Getting up you go to pull the remote out of the giant hole in your TV and as you grab it you feel a surge of electricity flow throughout you as all the hair on body stands up before receding into your body. You hear muffled cheering around you as long brown hair grows down to past your shoulders, as your face starts to tingle as it shifts around as you gain a beautiful face. You feel your shirt and pants tighten, as you regain your vision and see you are now in a tunnel of a stadium, your shirt had turned into a pink turtle neck sweater as a bra appears underneath it your tightening pants turn black before becoming leather. You felt your hips widen as your ass filled out your new pants, the thong between your legs started to feel more comfortable as your dick was squeezed back inside of you as a tight clit took its place. You looked down and saw your bra begin to fill out as you reached an orgasmic level of pleasure as your changes finished. When you regained your senses before you could react someone handed you a microphone and pushed you out of the tunnel as you were now Andrea Helfrich, the stadium announcer for the Philadelphia Flyers. At least you had a front row view of the game now.


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