Resist and leave


You shake the voice out of your head and get out of the dressing room. As your exiting one of the saleswomen stops you.

"You perv that's the women's dressing room" she yells at you.

"No wait its all a misunderstanding" you try and explain to her.

"I don't want to hear it and just so you don't do this again I'm gonna teach you a little lesson" The girl pulled a black hairband out from her pocket and slipped it over your head. Instantly your head began to itch as long blonde hair began to flow down your back. Your clothes tightened as your sweatshirt became a black jacket and your pants became tight leggings, your underwear shrank into a pair of pink panties as a bra formed under your shirt.. Next your arms and legs which were being squeezed tightly started to shrink as the clothes morphed your body. Next you felt tits fill out the bra as a chill ran up your spine, you felt goosebumps all over as with one shake of your body your dick was forced inside of you leaving you completely a woman. Quickly exiting the mall you pull out your phone to get a look at your new face, as you start to think about how you would explain this.


Back into the Mall



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