

You turn on college softball and begin to watch a game between Texas and LSU. Its somewhat entertaining and you even start to like watching it as you decide to leave it on. It’s getting near the 7th inning when you hear the window in your kitchen break. Rushing in to see what happened you see someone must have thrown a softball through your window as you see one on the ground in a pile of glass. Picking up the ball you feel your hand start to shrink around it as you look down at your right hand as see your nails beginning to grow as they painted themselves orange. You felt the changes move up your arms as you started to gain a more toned and athletic figure, your shoulders cracked in becoming less broad as you lost half your height as your legs started to shrink. You felt a chill run down your spine as your ass started to fill out your pants which tightened into a pair of orange baseball pants which hugged your new ass and thighs. You feel your dick receding inside of you as you drop to your knees, closing your eyes the room around you begins to shift into a locker room as blonde hair grows down from your head before braiding itself. You felt your shirt changing into a jersey as a pair of tits pushed against your new sports bra, as your face changed to match the rest of your body. Standing up you look around the locker room before you see a girl walking towards you “Ashley let’s go, they are announcing the starting lineup” she grabbed you by the arm as your mind became hazy as memories of being Ashley started to replace your old memories as you became a star player for the UT softball team.


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