Sports Center


You turn on ESPN to get a quick rundown of all the games playing today. After about an hour or two of watching, you see this one hot reporter who is working the UFC event. “That must be so cool being their without fans, I wish I could experience that I would give up anything just to be able to.” As you say this you feel a pain in your chest as your heart starts to race, it feels like it’s about to burst as your body starts to get warm all over as you vision starts to fade. You can’t see around you but you start to feel the pain subsiding as a euphoric sensation begins to build up in your crotch, slowly your dick is sucked up by your new wet clit as you begin to moan, regaining your sight you see your now in a bathroom. Looking down at your changing naked body, you see your legs slimming out as your skin gains a golden tan your arms lose their muscle as the excess weight moves to your chest as two ample boobs push your sensitive nipples out. You look in the mirror in front of you and see your whole face begin to change as black hair grows into a Bob style around your head, your nose begins to twitch as it shrinks before your eyes and cheeks change becoming more feminine. Looking behind you you see a white top and black leather pants, your head starts to hurt as you hear a voice urging you to dress your new sexy body in the clothes. As you give in, you feel your old mind wiped as memories of being Megan Olivi a reporter for the UFC fill your head as you get dressed and head out to go on air.


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