Stranger Things


Sitting on your couch you turn on Netflix and see the newest season of Stranger Things just came out, being your favorite show you instantly put on the first episode as you watch the new season. Your loving the first episode so far but out of the corner of your eyes you notice through your window a blinking light in your backyard, grabbing a flashlight you walk outside to investigate what it is. You find a shard of what looks like a crystal embedded in the ground like it fell from the sky, you grab it with your hands and are about to pull it as it starts to glow you stumble back falling down as the light gets brighter before you see a wave of energy sent out from the shard. As it hits you, you feel a wave of warmth before you blackout and start to feel cold. When you come to your still laying outside but you look over and see a different house then your own, standing up your head feels heavy as you hold your hand to your forehead and feel bushy brown hair. You feel it start to grow down past your shoulders as your spine shivers as you shrink to 5’4, you start to make your way for the door and head back inside as your ass thickens. Your Adam’s apple disappears from your throat as your voice becomes girly, your mind begins to fade as memories of the 80s and being a girl fill your head. You feel a burning in your crotch as it begins to shrink while a pair of boobs grow under your shirt, now inside you run upstairs to find your old room now looked like a girls room as you saw the last of your changes in a mirror. Your face rounded becoming soft and cute as the last of your manhood slipped away, now fully a girl you dress yourself in better fitting clothes a yellow sweater and Jean skirt as you start to hear the name Nancy echoing in your head. It’s starts to get louder as slowly you become Nancy Wheeler forgetting your old life.


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