Talk to the girl sitting by herself


You see a hot blonde sitting by herself and decide to try and talk to her.

“Can I buy you a drink” you ask as you walk up behind her.

“Your like the 10th guy to say that tonight, but I’ll still take the drink” she says to you. You order two martinis from the bartender as you try and make conversation with the girl.

“Did you win big gambling tonight?” You ask her as you sit down next to her.

“Ok, didn’t want to be rude but I’m not interested guys like you hit on me every night that I’m here, why don’t you see what it’s like.” She says as you see her eyes glow purple before she pulls you close to her, she begins to kiss you until your eyes also begin to glow as your body starts to change. Pushing her away from you, you quickly begin to shrink as you sit down as you start to fall off balance. Short black hair falls down to your shoulders as they crack becoming less broad, your clothes begin to change becoming a black and white dress your boxers become a lace black panties as your crotch begins to flatten. The girl grabs you by the arm and puts a diamond bracelet on your wrist speeding up the changes as your arms shrink and you gain smoother softer skin. Your mind begins to fade as your nipples grow sensitive as a small pair of tits fill out your dress your voice changes becoming higher in pitch your face begins to burn as you gain a feminine face. You feel the last of your shrinking dick slip away as you become a woman.

The bartender returns with your drinks as you both sit their while the rest of your mind fades away as you finish your drinks. The two of you turn around as you hear a man offer to buy you a drink, you wave to the bartender as you order three more martinis.


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