Teen Mom


Flipping through the channels you see Teen Mom on, how can this even be an entertaining show you think to yourself as you put it on. After about 10 minutes your ready to turn it off as the show is just a bunch of teenage girls yelling at each other. You go to change the channel but your TV freezes, “not this again” you think as you get up to slap the side of the TV. You hit it once and nothing happens so you do a wind up and smack the back, as you hit the TV you are hit with a shock that sends you falling back towards your couch. As you land on the sofa you watch as it starts to change as the cushions became white matching the same couch you saw on the TV. You see the rest of your room changing as it starts to look more and more like a sound studio as bright lights start to shine from above. Covering your eyes with your hands you look at them and see they are changing as your fingernails are now painted white. You watch as your body hair falls out as your hands became tan and spreads to the rest of your body. Your hair changes to blonde and grows down to you mid back as your shirt and pants merge turn pink before becoming a dress that starts to fill out as you gain sexy feminine curves. A pair of D cup boobs begin to grow under the dress as you start to feel your dick being pulled inside of you, you feel as your body begins to regress to 16 as the rest of your manhood slips inside of you leaving you with a void between your legs. You mind becomes rushed with memories of being Jenelle Evans a famous actress and star of Teen Mom, the last of your old self faded away as you became just another reality star.


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