Use the fortune machine


You head over to the fortune machine and use that instead of buying something. The machine is different than the normal ones you see because it says it’ll grant you your fortune for a price “Yea right” you think to yourself as you insert a dollar. The machine begins to move and then spits out a card that reads “You will become famous beyond your most wildest dream, but you have to sacrifice yourself” Famous vs being me yea if this was real I would sacrifice anything to be famous you say holding the card. You then see the eyes of the machine light up again and hear it say your wish is my command as smoke comes out and surrounds you. You begin to cough as the smoke quickly begins to change your body, first you felt a sucking feeling in your crotch as your legs were thinning out. Next you felt as a new pair of tits began to push out under your nipples as long black hair covered your eyes as your face tingled and became feminine. The smoke cleared and you noticed you were now on a dark stage, you opened up your jacket to see a sexy red white and blue outfit tightly hugging your new curves as two spotlights shinned down on you, and thousands of fans started to cheer for you as you were now Katy Perry. Your mind mixed with hers as you began to perform ecstatic about your new life.


Back to the Beach



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