

You are flipping through the channels and see college volleyball is on, after turning it on you decide to keep it on as most of the girls are hot and it’s actually somewhat entertaining. After about two hours of watching you dose off and in your dreams you keep seeing the most beautiful girl playing volleyball, your jolted awake when in your dream you get hit in the face with a volleyball. When you wake up you notice your not in your house anymore and are now laying flat on an athletic trainers table, looking around you see your wearing tight yoga shorts and a brown long sleeve jersey which is the same one as the girls were wearing on TV. Before you can sit up your pushed back down as a woman starts stretching you out, “Just relax we have to get you ready for the game. She began to massage your legs as they slimmed out, moving up your legs as she touched your thighs you felt them thicken as you saw light brown skin started to move up your body as the trainer let out a laugh. Pressing on your stomach you felt your excess fat shift to your chest as she held her hands over your two growing tits. As she ran her hands across your body you felt your skin soften as your body hair fell out, grabbing the sides of your head you felt long curly hair start to touch your shoulders as your face burned as it gained feminine features. You fell a woman’s voice in your head getting louder and louder until she takes over. “Ok Jai, your all set good luck out there” she said to you as you went out to join your teammates as you became Jai forgetting your old self.


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