Who Frame Rodger Rabbit


Browsing through Disney+ you see the whole Who Frame Rodger Rabbit movie is on it so you decide to watch the movie. You put on Who Frame Rodger Rabbit and relax as the movie plays, outside you see dark storm clouds rolling in on the horizon as it quickly starts to downpour. You go back to focusing on the movie as the storm outside gets worse and worse, looking outside you see lighting strike one of your neighbors trees “that was close” you think to yourself before a flash of lighting strikes right outside your door sending a blinding shockwave through you as you blackout. When you wake up you hear wood creaking around you as you feel yourself rock back and forth. Standing up you see you are in a lantern lit room and looking out the window you see you are in a dressing room, you feel a cold piece of metal touch your ear as you look up and see your wearing a earing on your right ear. You go to pull it off to look at it better in the light but as you touch it with your hand you see the earing glow before your nails start to grow longer as your fingers shrink you let out a gasp as your arms start to slim out as your body hair recedes inside of you. Your shoulders shift becoming less broad as your a chill runs up your spine as you begin to shrink losing half your height, your head starts to itch as long red hair begins to fall down to your growing chest as a pair of tits start to push against your shirt. Your face starts to burn as your facial hair falls out while your nose narrows. Your face becomes more feminine as do your clothes as your t-shirt tightens into a red sequined strapless dress. You curl your toes as an orgasmic level of pleasure begins to build up in your crotch as your manhood is replaced by a vagina.  You start to look around for an escape from this room before the door in front of you bursts open as two staff members walk in grabbing you by your arms they pull you onto the main stage they bring you to the stage as the announcer says “Lets Welcome Miss Rabbit to the stage” he says to you as you stand there with a one blink your mind change to become that of Jessica Rabbit. You then grab the microphone and began to sing.


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